Saturday, May 8, 2010

Still here.....

I know you were all worried because it's been awhile since I last posted anything. We are still here just living day to day. Our computer was being very weird, it would have little strokes and stop working for 3 minutes and then would work very slowly. It did this often, like every 10 minutes or so, so Jeremy's cousin, who works with computers, offered to clean it up for us. Yeah!!! Thank you Nathan! We still haven't picked it up yet because we don't go north very often and our car gets crappy mpg. But then we got utopia installed.....another YEAH!!! So Jeremy brings his laptop home everyday from work to let me play on it at night. Not much else happening, just life.


Beth said...

Really? That's all that's going on with you?
What about your trip to Wendover? Really, nothing else?

CC said...

Boy, she's snotty isn't she. Glad to hear that life's so calm. I'm sure nothing else could be happening around your place. Really, nothing.

P.S. I like the new background.