Friday, August 19, 2011

Turns out.....

James is allergic to Amoxicillin.

Last week he was very lethargic and had a temp of 104.2. He had one ear infection and swollen tonsils. Which, I found out, are highly unusual for a kid his age. So we got ourselves some antibiotics. He fever broke the next morning at 4 a.m. but 3 days later a rash broke out, and spread and spread. Poor kids had speckles everywhere. Ally has this same allergy but she had had the medicine a few times and was about 4 or 5 before she reacted to it. Not my boy, first time this kid has been on anything prescribed and he breaks out.


Beth said...

Oh poor baby! I hope he is better soon!

Kami said...

Babies and allergies! Poor kid! We ended up in the ER one night finding another allergy to an antibiotic. Hope he is feeling better!

Anonymous said...

How sad!!! Poor guy!!!

Unknown said...

How sad! That poor little thing-it does not look fun at all. Hopefully he is doing better for everyone's sake - especially mommy's.